// car.cpp  Implementation file for a simple class for a car
// J.Remen  for CPS 171 Winter 2002
// Note the body of each function is missing at present

// your name

#include "car.h"

using namespace std;

car::car()		// default constructor
{				// set data members to "No make", "No model" and 0

	 // etc.


void car::GetData()
{					// Prompt user and get data to initialize 
					// the data members of a car
	cout << "Enter make of car (one word):";
	// etc.


void car::Display()		// Display the data members of a car
{	cout << "This car's make is " << make << endl;

	// etc.   

void car::UpdateMileage(float amt) // Add amt miles to the mileage
	// etc.