// labLoops.cpp  for CPS 171 Practice with different kinds of loops  
// J.Remen  Winter 02
// Does not compile at the present time. Note each question is commented out so 
// students can work on one at a time by removing /* etc. 
// see the exercise worksheet for discussion of the problems.

using namespace std;

int main()
{	cout << "name\n";
	int i, num, sum;

				// 1. Fill in the blanks to make the for loop print the 
				// even numbers between 1 and 100, including the 100
	cout << "Question 1\n";
	for ( i =    ;      ;     )
		cout << i << ' ';
	cout << endl << endl;

				// 2. Complete the do-while statement that will loop
				// until the user enters a positive value - test it by
				// entering a few negative values first.
	cout << "Question 2\n";
	{	cout << "Enter a positive number;";
		cin >> num;
	} while (          );
	cout << "After loop num is " << num << endl << endl;

				// 3. Complete the loop to sum all the integers from 1 
				// up to and including num.
	cout << "Question 3\n";
	sum =       ;
	for (i =             )
		sum =        ;
	cout << "Sum of integers from 1 to " << num << " is " << sum << endl << endl;


                                   // declare input file and open it
	ifstream infile;
	{	cout << "Cannot open input file\n";
		return 1;

				// 4. Read values from the file, sum all negative ones
				// stop when -999 is read.
	cout << "Question 4\n";
	sum =     ;
	infile >> num;
	while(      )


	cout << "Sum of negatives is " << sum << endl << endl;									

//  If you still have time try questions 5, 6 and 7 on your own

	return 0;